Thursday, July 21, 2011


so one of the teachers made us all go around  this place and we didn't notice that there was a sprinkler that is turning in a circle and it caught us all!  ; O ;  I was hiding under the tree but later on the sprinkler came for a second round = __ =;;
We went into an AC filled room ;u; too visit the different climate rooms but first groups pictures ; O ;  People were lining up to re-fill there water bottle LOL;; 

after we came back from the trip we got ice cream and only the teachers got milk tea ; ^ ; didn't like it. The kids went up to watch sherk BUT IT WAS TIME FOR ME TO LEAVE ^ U ^;; you can see the guy next to the tv in a "mickey" mask ;; you can't see it clearly but you can see my drawing of the mask LOL;;

After THAT C: I went to mc donald with my waifu # U # she had to go back though to tell them that they gave us small fries instead of medium fries ;; AND YES I put fries in my mcdouble ;; a fries-less mc double is not a mc double for me xD && I bought two VERY BEAUTIFUL lion's for a dollar each ^ U ^ and I dislike pickles so I gave them to her ;; 

Next trip will be the NY Aquarium WHICH I HOPE I'M NOT TAKING PART IN C:

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