Saturday, July 30, 2011


went on the new bus to Kings plaza mall. the train were all mess up this morning ;; and I got lost walking.
stuff I bought today! 

this is so cute but it make you look wide on the side . ^ .;; I like the fabric and it won't stretch so I decide not to get it. 

attached teddy bear

bought a hot glue gun at HOME DEPOT

one part of the pair of ring my waifu and me got xD

my mom made me these clothes , the black one is good but the pink will become my new dress PJ. C:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

( ♥ u ♥) idk;;

My worksite is doing a makeover so some staircase are off limit but ;u; when you walk in the halls this random broom just pop out. The radio was playing too and we were wondering where is the guy who's painting - U- ;;;

 This is what happen when I'm bored. I ask my sister to use all my rubberbands to tied my hair.
I made this in class when we were making dragonflys and other weird bugs for the show. I'm going to buy a glue gun to glue it to a rubberband. AND I GOT MY PAYCHECK * O * we had to go for customer service because we didn't know how to use a ATM and then call our boss? ;W; that guy didn't know which one to pick for our card.


Thursday, July 21, 2011


so one of the teachers made us all go around  this place and we didn't notice that there was a sprinkler that is turning in a circle and it caught us all!  ; O ;  I was hiding under the tree but later on the sprinkler came for a second round = __ =;;
We went into an AC filled room ;u; too visit the different climate rooms but first groups pictures ; O ;  People were lining up to re-fill there water bottle LOL;; 

after we came back from the trip we got ice cream and only the teachers got milk tea ; ^ ; didn't like it. The kids went up to watch sherk BUT IT WAS TIME FOR ME TO LEAVE ^ U ^;; you can see the guy next to the tv in a "mickey" mask ;; you can't see it clearly but you can see my drawing of the mask LOL;;

After THAT C: I went to mc donald with my waifu # U # she had to go back though to tell them that they gave us small fries instead of medium fries ;; AND YES I put fries in my mcdouble ;; a fries-less mc double is not a mc double for me xD && I bought two VERY BEAUTIFUL lion's for a dollar each ^ U ^ and I dislike pickles so I gave them to her ;; 

Next trip will be the NY Aquarium WHICH I HOPE I'M NOT TAKING PART IN C:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

b(゜Д゜≡゜Д゜)? will everything be fine tmrw?!!

tomorrow I'm going to the botanic garden on a trip with everyone in the school ;; && to make it worst most of the helpers all have there makeup workshop tomorrow.It's hot tomorrow too, 96 degrees = O =;; OMG I'm not going to enjoy this.
and I have to wear that ugly red shirt again ewww ;; I wish it was gray but gray is too common

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Was walking to work and saw this LOLL;; if you don't know it means the male's @ U @ YOU ALREADY GOT IT RIGHT? moving on ~
 During the sport event we played tug of war and stuff, I fell on the the tug of war ; ^ ; three male against one male and two girls so unfair and I'm not strong even if I carry my mom stuff.
 Fishing . ^ . no one caught anything, but we had tons of false alarm C:

 After that I went and bought bubbles * u *
I'm also ordering three manga from borders and try to collect this manga * U * it's on sale btw ;; so yeah check it out on borders

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


After what happen yesterday I'm very happy I got a day off ;W; they all pressure me to yell in front of the class and if I don't the kids don't get free time = A = it took me an hour to say it ;; everyone was so piss at me . ^ . but mann it's like giving a speech when everyone is waiting and staring at you.

SO I went to TJ MAXX to buy = U = clothes haha tomorrow is my trip to the Huston river <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Gari Gari KUN Ice Cream ^ U ^;;

bought some gari gari KUN ice cream during lunch break ;W; never knew they had these and so near ~ didn't go to work instead went to workshop = A = I hate that place, there no AC & I felt like I was going to have a heat stroke there. We got out early because two guys did 50 push up * U * THANK YOU
 Gari Gari KUN Ice cream from Blue Exorcist

Thursday, July 7, 2011

why do they even bother? agasbdjknask ;;;

ALJDKJSNKFNLSD ~ at work the kids ,they drew me something LOL thoughh they spelled my name wrong I don't even care * U * SO HAPPY ~ even though Idrew like 932840 amount of drawings for them like many times over and over again which are girls,boy;s,mermaids,fairys,dog's,cat,birds,lambs , etc xD

there was this kid in lunch and he raised his hand so I went over and he just told me he drank milk at breakfast and lunch and he's getting alot of calcium that make him stronger .. then he lift his sleeves up and then show me his "muscles" = W = SO FRIGGIN CUTE I was speechless, everyone kept asking me stuff and the teacher told me "you know ... you can say no" ;W; HE NOTICE LOL

workshop tomorrow boo ;; and tomorrow is the art contest and gym contest bummer = O =

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

worksite photo's ;W;

I'm not suppose to take out my electronics in class but shittt it was free time and everyone was like pulling out there DS so I'm like -pull out mines too- xD and snap some photo's of them so well behave.
lunchroom = U = so small ;;;

the school C:

WAIFU C: aha~
soon we'll go on a trip to the botanic garden OMG ; O ; I'm doom, they kiss my arm and flick water at me ;; My feet hurt's ; W; and tomorrow my other two assistant is going to a workshop which I have on friday so it's all up to me tomorrow ; ^ ;