Tuesday, October 25, 2011

last week parent teacher con.

before the parents come in we have our soceer game ;u; my school vs my sister school. -ahem- we lose by 3-1 maybe because our school only started to play a month ago ;U; noobie team. and the sun came out so bright! asdfghjkl;

walking through lunchroom * V * this was taken by mistake as you can see ...

In the mac lab playing cause we needed to pass time.

Our first dollar *o* we were selling coffee/hot chocolate/tea C;

I worked these machines , V, 


people entering ;; only one scanner out for late nights, school time we have more C: 

running in the stairs C; and my ipod snapped by mistake ...

waiting for the train -W-;; THE END this was all last week ...

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