Monday, October 31, 2011

What were doing now ;;

Didn't go Halloween Rick or treating because someone ditched me :| anyway I made strawberry cover in chocolate ... It's super hard lmao

Saturday, October 29, 2011


 It's snowing! but it's cold and I had saturday school ... it was snowing like crazy ;; the wind was strong so the snow were like hitting my face even with the umbrella.
going home from satuday school ;U; on my school campus.

Friday, October 28, 2011

TAKOYAKI+new game + snowing

Going to buy Iron on transfer paper and add designs to hoodies C; I'mma try to see if they have any cheap plain hoodies in my neighborhood. 

I ate these today *O* shared with my sister. 
I also bought this game today ;O; my money is going down the drain ||| anyways tomorrow I have saturday school and it's suppose to rain/snow tomorrow ; ^ ; and it;s like 40 degrees too. and the week after that is my SAT .. which I didn't study for ;; I also ranked #121 on the senior ranking boo ;; it's our of 400 I think. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

last week parent teacher con.

before the parents come in we have our soceer game ;u; my school vs my sister school. -ahem- we lose by 3-1 maybe because our school only started to play a month ago ;U; noobie team. and the sun came out so bright! asdfghjkl;

walking through lunchroom * V * this was taken by mistake as you can see ...

In the mac lab playing cause we needed to pass time.

Our first dollar *o* we were selling coffee/hot chocolate/tea C;

I worked these machines , V, 


people entering ;; only one scanner out for late nights, school time we have more C: 

running in the stairs C; and my ipod snapped by mistake ...

waiting for the train -W-;; THE END this was all last week ...


There was this nosy police officer on the train he's like pressuring this freshmen from my school and glare at me, he's asking the boy "why is he late to school?!""don't say I don't know there gotta be a reason""you gotta take it seriously" "your school is always like this, this is why you were about to shutdown" and then he's like writing reports on it so now I know even the police don't like our school. But he pressure him wayy to much . ^ . so what if's he late one time . nosy nosy nosy. And to bully a freshmen like that and telling him he could bring him into this police place and he's like telling him all the horrible things they can do, bad police officer. smh.

On the way home there was a bird on the train ;u; so cute until it started to fly and land right in front of me with a crying scream noise ;o; but when the train open the door he followed everyone and walked out like he meant to ride the train=V= cuteee~

Monday, October 24, 2011


this is eeljinka, it's really popular right now, and so you make your own and then you draw a charcater based on your eel C: I haven't started mines yet ;; 


I love how this megu run for the food it's so cute ;O; it really is!

&& THERE WERE TWO YOLK IN MY EGG ;U; looks like a butt 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

BREAST CANCER WALK + christmas ;;

Breast Cancer WALK ;U; it was cold then hot then cold ;; there were so much people but it was fun C:

They were playing party rock anthem by LMFAO and look at that tiny box of happy meal fries thingy omg ;; is it because of the bucket that the fries lack size?!

christmas setting in MACYS ;O; it;s not even halloween yet xD but it's beautiful


LOVE ;U; [I didn't not move them at all] THEY WERE LIKE THIS ;U;

Friday, October 14, 2011

This is tiring xD

Another package came ... And my favorite candy I bought ;u;

Thursday, October 13, 2011

for waifu ;u;

Happy week lmao

Another package came ;; this time it's my set of screen protections imma give some away;u;