Sunday, March 4, 2012

my grandpa is near his end and it's really sad because he really doesn't want to die. I don't want him to die either ... he didn't even see my graduation and my admission to college yet. I can tell he's suffering ... his breathe are really heavy and he get tired very easily & he keeps coughing but when his grandchildrens are around he try to hide his suffering. I wanted him to have a peaceful life yet, this happen. He doesn't want to get a doctor to check because if this is the end of his life then he might as well spend it with the family instead of living in a isolated room in the hospital & we have to go visit him and wear face mask ... that's just cruel. Now that I mention it, It seems like everyone in my family is not really in their best shape ...  I can see my dad ending up suffering from the same thing as my grandpa because I see it starting for a while now, but he's so stubborn & my aunt has cancer, my uncle smokes -sigh- at least let my grandpa see me graduate from high school. I can see this year is going to be one of the saddest year of my life.

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