Sunday, February 19, 2012

yesterday was fun ;W;

the things I do in weight training class and on the subway waiting for it to start ....
was trying to take a picture of my teachers face but ... he moved :C and one side of my school parking lot is empty xDDD
after going to buy art supply and stuff I had to go home to go to a party... and it took me like 2 hours because of the train problems :C and I made it too xD I didn't know it was a huge party and we got seats that are above everyone else's. There were these three pretty girls who were dancing to korean songs I only knew one which was 2NE1-fire :C

yes I got my uniqlo sasuke bag C: I had to ask them but whateverr because they were going to give me a hello kitty bag ;W; and the stuff from pearl paint to make the scrap book. long day .. went out at 8:30am came home at 11pm -W- so tired...

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