Sunday, February 19, 2012

yesterday was fun ;W;

the things I do in weight training class and on the subway waiting for it to start ....
was trying to take a picture of my teachers face but ... he moved :C and one side of my school parking lot is empty xDDD
after going to buy art supply and stuff I had to go home to go to a party... and it took me like 2 hours because of the train problems :C and I made it too xD I didn't know it was a huge party and we got seats that are above everyone else's. There were these three pretty girls who were dancing to korean songs I only knew one which was 2NE1-fire :C

yes I got my uniqlo sasuke bag C: I had to ask them but whateverr because they were going to give me a hello kitty bag ;W; and the stuff from pearl paint to make the scrap book. long day .. went out at 8:30am came home at 11pm -W- so tired...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Something I saw today and something that I got C: I'm tired :/ bye

Saturday, February 4, 2012

sasuke is SO PRETTY C: at UNIQLO they had a sasuke bag and I was crying for it ; __ ; but in order to get it I needed to buy enough items for that bag since it's the biggest shopping bag ;; but everything in that store was not appealing to me or too expensive :C // crys

Chinese New Year Party

went to eat at a sushi buffet C: but didn't eat much cause I dislike sushi and we ended up having to pay for take out cause we had so much extra ;; they charged us for one person instead of there take out price.

there was break dancing or korean dancing at the end ;W; it's actually really dark but my camera can snap photos in the dark so yeah .. two of my friends are dancing in the top photos and one of my friends got chosen to be of help ;W;
we got glowsticks but mines wasn't working so well ;;
today I went to chinatown and got these -W-

it was a full moon ;U;