Sunday, January 1, 2012


Every single day, my aunt has to slam the door really hard and it scare's me, making me jump everytime. I know she has anger issue that just increase because of her having cancer because she always had anger issue. She stay downstair all day watching dramas and whenever her husband is not home she go all mad and slam doors and stomp on the floor going up and down the stairs. What kind of friggin role model is she showing to her kids ( ¬д¬。) who are in high school and just put up with her idiotic actions, GOD ヽ(#`д´)ノ slap their faces! Control your mom for god sake, go have a conversation with her once in awhile instead of playing video games all day long, so annoying I even yelled directly at there mom because it seem like not a single person in this house wanna drag her back on the right road.It's like everyone is scared of her, and I'm not surprise but omggg stop ignoring her anger and letting her do whatever the hell she wants. (╯°益°)╯︵ ┻━┻ AND I especially hate how she does all this and think it'll help her, and ignore her sons and even dare to not feed them for the day, WTFFF IS THIS BULLSHIT, I had to drag them out to buy something for them to eat. (。┰ω┰。) I'm tired, bye ~

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