Friday, December 9, 2011


went to see a christmas carol play and I saw this poster xD thought it was funny. The play was cool.

After the play, we went to tour a park and met this guy who we call "the pigeon guy" one of the pigeons is actually his C: cool right?

After we met the pigeon guy lmaoo ;; we met this sand art guy. And he's actually really good : O some of his pat works were amazing and sold for thousands of dollars.

polyester stuffing on his head C: lul

stuffing the animals C: I love my penguin the most. chubby cheeks.

I HAD A PHILLY CHEESE STEAK FOR DINNER YUUP C: but the guy who cooked it mouthed "oh my god" :| rude and he yelled at me for not getting what he said cause he said it too fast. 

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