Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Day + earlier today ;V;

I went to my aunt places who lives in manhattan ;; to stay over and sleep there for the night till 4am to go to Macy in 34 street to shop. and Now I will go to kings plaza with my friend C:
she lives so high up ;V; jealousss 
what I do when I'm bored on the train 
taking a walk on a bridge near her apartment building. There were these rails that's not in used anymore and yeah ;V; then we saw this window with a picture of a person with a note on the AC but had no idea what it said ;; too small
ate a tasty but look like it was burn turkey while watching Charlie Brown. 
then I got tired of turkey got fries =V= and being bored I drew on my sister hand how much she loves me C: [but then she cross the word love out ;; ]
empire state building is TURKEY COLOR XD 

4AM woke up =V= and walked to 34th street. and bought stuff ; V; so tired. now time to shop again LMAOO

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