Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Letter ;v;

I got a letter from my very good friend sandy from California yesterday, it made me really happy :) because someone stole my umbrella ;u; I got a long letter from her but it's a secret info

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Got a Pikachu shirt for my rude sister C: and look at how crowded mc Donald was, that picture was suppose to be send through msn to my sister but failed ;;

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Day + earlier today ;V;

I went to my aunt places who lives in manhattan ;; to stay over and sleep there for the night till 4am to go to Macy in 34 street to shop. and Now I will go to kings plaza with my friend C:
she lives so high up ;V; jealousss 
what I do when I'm bored on the train 
taking a walk on a bridge near her apartment building. There were these rails that's not in used anymore and yeah ;V; then we saw this window with a picture of a person with a note on the AC but had no idea what it said ;; too small
ate a tasty but look like it was burn turkey while watching Charlie Brown. 
then I got tired of turkey got fries =V= and being bored I drew on my sister hand how much she loves me C: [but then she cross the word love out ;; ]
empire state building is TURKEY COLOR XD 

4AM woke up =V= and walked to 34th street. and bought stuff ; V; so tired. now time to shop again LMAOO

Monday, November 21, 2011


I got a bruise from playing volleyball ;; and I made the past picture brighter yup

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Yat Yat Sweets C:

I have to write a lot for my Saturday school :C because I missed a week.anyways after that we went to yat yat sweet which is idk ;; but they don't sell hot food ;; only drinks and stuff ;; I tried the popping boba & it's very scary when it pop's xD AND MY WAIFU LOST HER 20 DOLLARR :,C

Saturday, November 12, 2011


cousin made this very rude thing ;W; BUT HIDDEN LEAF SIGN <3

ON 11/11/11 DAY

In Forever 21 in SOHO and a friend found a white puffy thing and I wanted to blow it to the guys shoulder but it ended up on his hair CX and I had to take a picture of it lmao ;; sorry man.

We went to YAYA to eat , and me and my friend ordered a shrimp tempera onigiri ;o; it was really good and it had mayo inside of it =w= 


Friday, November 11, 2011

Today is a happy day C; 11-11-11 at 11:11PM

I missed the 11:11AM ;;BUT! IT MORE EFFECTIVE AT NIGHT CAUSE AT NIGHT THE STARS ARE SEEN XD ;; I went to chinatown today with my sister and friends =w= ;; post pictures later uwah ~

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Free laptop

My dad friend gave him there laptop they don't use anymore ;0: he never used a pc before lmao teaching him is hard

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Key club

So I won the key club Hoodie contest and my sister school got third place. BUT he got a abercrombie & Fitch gift card ;o; and some other lucky guy won 2nd and choose the Barnes and nobles gift card and I got the counter gift card where you make your own burger and a free hoodie. I found out that the only The counter restaurant there is, is in time sq... I also made my whole family worry about me and were actually searching for me :C so my mom was like " I can't do this anymore , you need a cell phone NOW!" haha ;; my batman iron transfer thing came too

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Actually ...

I find it weird he's in the middle of the water looking up while " dead" and kinda breathing. GOOD NIGHT going to check tomorrow if he's still okayy I believe in him >:)

Fucking died

I accidentally putted my fish in hot water and left it there for like 10 seconds and it died :C wtff it was alive just last post ago my 5 month fish ;o; died in the stupidest way the others died by bladder problem, suicide , and now ....


He's no fun ;C I need to take proper care of him, he's swimming on mucky water now :C