Friday, September 30, 2011


went to the eye doctor today ;v; waste of my time, ended up having good vision ;V; another doodle [rushed coloring and lines]

doodle ;V;

so pink ;V; ~ who am I thanking idk ;; 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

30 min doodle ;v;

asdfghjkl // sleepy ;; but I promise myself to practice more and more to improve so before I collapse  I finish a doodle =v= good enough for a day

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


right now my aunt is yelling at my dad for putting on the music and "annoying" her and she started to yell because she thought it was my mom, they have this hate relationship,and she saying stuff like "you think your so fancy?!putting on the music?!!" I can't help but think of her as a bitch, she has the worst temper ever. she's developing cancer and thinking she going to died and all that, she's not looking at the positive side that it's just developing and that the percentage of becoming cancer free is higher then having to find out about it late :C you would think that she will get kinder ... but she yells at my grandma,seriously my grandma her mother in law, to bring her food and if she is late she start to bitch at her for that [she does this to her husband too] SHE ACTUALLY YELLED AT MY GRANDMA FOR BEING SLOWW?! SHE SERIOUS?!!! I know this is kinda mean but if she did die from this she isn't making me want to miss her at all, I mean she threw a huge can at my mom making her bleed and then I saw her hold up a knife at my mom before .... & when my mom ran to my room and lock the door, she started to break it down and I was only 8 that time too AND TO MAKE IT WORST IT WAS OVER A MATTRESS .... and before she kicked her husband out of the house and he had to spend the night at dunkin donuts and she even bitched at my grandparents '^' asdfghjkl I wish we had the money to move out of this house and live peacefully without thinking that my aunt would do horrible things & unlike other people who have cancer and live life to the fullest she wanna get meanier and start stuff and get back at us for being healthy.

she annoy me so damn much, she scares me so damn much, she makes me feel like no one is safe.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zeus •^• cute

My sister homework. She's doing it on Zeus ;v; isn't so sexy??!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

long post ;v;

so before I could watch ao no exorcist episode 24 ;v; I was forced to go out to eat lunch with everyone. french toast tasted good ;O; ~

 Later on, we went to buy some UGG boots .V. I didn't buy any~ I also bought a spongebob ice cream!! ;V; SO DEFORM ~

Then we went to a supermarket, I always liked the bowls and plates sections ;U; look at this sexual japanese cup ;/////; how can anyone have the balls to drink out of that it's so wrongg. I also bought a cute white out strips from some random store.

okayy this is the part where everything got ruin ;V; my sister eye started to stink and it sended her whole body to shake & she can't even open her eyes at all :O and we were planning to go to the hospital but later it got better so we didn't go ;v; bye~

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I drew this with my left hand ;V; haha very little effort and omggg it's so talented! just kidding, it look like someone steped on her ;U; 


Look how sad I became ;v; this is scary - time to recover ;v;
&& it's pink outside c:

Thursday, September 8, 2011


PRESENTSS ;W; AND I GOT MORE BUT FORGOT TO TAKE PICTURES ;; ehe thank you viviann ~ her letter was * o * godly

wooden drawing model - w  - out on the streets

Thursday, September 1, 2011

birthday post ;u;

I'm 17!! ;O; YAY! finally a senior too ;w; going back to school on sep 8th but I got my ID taken away uwah so I'm like on the "no ID line" FML that line is soo long and going through the scanner = ^ = I hate that lady who just took it away ... ANYWAYY ;W; I went out to eat and went shopping in soho. I had a tummy ache ;; so it wasn't a "awesome" birthday ;W;

Mom got me this hollister shirt and my other friend got me a whole bunch of boxes = U =

still have more to come  ;U;  asdfghjkl I don't deserve these