Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I was inside my dentist building and then I felt the building rocking back and forth ;u; so scary...  I heard it was a 5.8 M earthquake and that is shaken most of the eastern part of the U.S. It was shaking in the building but when your on the streets you really couldn't feel it :C and there these California people posting everywhere that we were all sissys about it cause it wasn't a big deal but we're just not used to it , the one's who panic was in high buildings, and most new yorkers thought it was just the train = U =;; like I did. I think you guys would be scared if you were on the 50th floor of a building and out of no where this happen, people in the lower floors didn't panic C:

IN A RESTAURANT! YUPP and a chip ;u;

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