Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I was inside my dentist building and then I felt the building rocking back and forth ;u; so scary...  I heard it was a 5.8 M earthquake and that is shaken most of the eastern part of the U.S. It was shaking in the building but when your on the streets you really couldn't feel it :C and there these California people posting everywhere that we were all sissys about it cause it wasn't a big deal but we're just not used to it , the one's who panic was in high buildings, and most new yorkers thought it was just the train = U =;; like I did. I think you guys would be scared if you were on the 50th floor of a building and out of no where this happen, people in the lower floors didn't panic C:

IN A RESTAURANT! YUPP and a chip ;u;

Sunday, August 21, 2011

a day at marine park

sport day was okayy ; - ; not awesome I got hurt and knock in the face & many time on my leg = O =;; I was recording them playing , cindy did too cause it was too funny ;u; they play violent ;u; I was trying to play but failed since I didn't have enough strength as they do. :C 

why am I uploading so much videos? ;U; too lazy to take photos now lmao ;;

Saturday, August 20, 2011

On the station ... and half the campus. why did I upload this? LOL


went to a bowling party today for my friend birthday C: It was located inside a Army base LOL;; OMG IT WAS SO FUNN !! I didn't bowl much though but it was funny watching haha So much food too, at the end people try to make me talk haha and high five there hands ;U; gordon putted a fake ticket on my supervisor car and then she was in a panic like "WHAT I can't park here? CHECK THE OTHER CARS" and 20 min later she check inside and it was empty LOL ;; later on during the ride gordon called and told us .. & she screamed "FUCK YOU" "SCREW YOU" LMAO

our meeting place MY HIGH SCHOOL HAHA so brightt!! the school building is kinda far because of the campus ... 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

! _ ! ;; I've made something

;U; TA-DAH! I'm never going to wear it though, but I'll just give it to someone if they are willing to wear it ^ o ^ ;; or just hang it next to me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

more mangas!

hmm? why is it sideways? . ^ . I got Black Bird Vol 6 cause I love Lord sho xD and pink innocent and cactus secret I thought they were cute. plus they were on sale C:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

cute stationary items

went and bought these today ;U; in chinatown. almost waifu birthday yay~ the slippers and the Len is for her C: the others are just $2-$3 stuff 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

; U ;

one of the teachers went to pick up a backetball for a student and he got a splinter ;; Then he had to get someone to cover for him because he was crying ;W; the tweeter in the school didn't work so he had people go to rite-aid and buy him a metal tweeter. OMGG HE LOOKED SO LAME ^ O ^ but it does hurt.
him trying to use the school plastic tweeter

him all happy when the metal one came xD

the lady was yelling at him to hurry up because they were all hungry to eat lunch ;U;

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

tiring day & video skndfksnkfnkendk!!!

It doesn't feel safe to bring my tablet to work so I can work on there yearbook ;; and I have to install it too ;U; omgg too much work at the office for me to handle. They want me to draw other stuff too.

 After work I went to eat at a sushi buffet. then I started to draw LOL Then we walked to toy r us C:

 Then we went to best buy xD
My friend decide to try out the music speakers? it was soo loud ;; I think the whole store can heard it playing.