Wednesday, June 22, 2011


There was this guy who was white and look like he was in his 30's and he came up to me & told me I was pretty o _ o ;; He asked me after he kept staring into my face for the whole time and he was right next to me too leaning on a pole that If I had a boyfriend or not. It's none of his business but I had to answer him ;;; I was about to lie and said I do to get him away from me but I cannot lie. Such a horrible mistake  T A T;; he continue on and asked " then can I call you to hang out sometimes?" o ______ o ... OMFG!!! I decline but he kept on asking why not afterward. = _ = I have many reasons [ I don't know you, your old, I don't like you, I find you creepy, I'm 16, etc...] When the manhattan train came I was saved but still we go to the same station so there is a chance we will meet again . ^ . 6th creeper # __ #


  1. I would try avoiding him for now

  2. ;W; I don't even know him though, first time I saw him * U * I THINK I SHOULD PRACTICE FIGHTING SKILLS~
