Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Happy new year =W=

hope it'll be a good year ;U; the year I go to college;;

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


watching paranormal activity after watching the grudge ;O; scary I couldn't even watch it. some people were playing cards -w-;; and most of them thought the movie were funny and boring.

so I doodle =W= and everyone else were adding stuff

i don't know ... about these pictures. =W= I'm really scared right now mostly because of the grudge :C cause I didn't even wanna see paranormal activity after the grudge and =U= I didn't even watch the whole thing of the grudge and ran upstairs.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy birthday !

So my sister turned 14 -w-;; I like her late birthday lmao and that she's a freshmen in school even though her birthday is pass September. Little midget ... All we had was pizza because we were lazy to buy anything

Friday, December 23, 2011


Went to Chinatown after watching twilight zone with soda and food cooked by my teacher in English class ;u; and had a pizza party in my art class. And I got my beautiful gift ;u; from waifu, my forever wanted fur tail

Thursday, December 22, 2011


After 17 years lmao ;; I learned how to cook ramen noodles

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


they're HUGEE ;; I ordered a medium... but I guess they were going by men size ;W; It only costed 20 dollars so it's alright ;W; 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

it was cold ;;

I went to buy new stuff C:
my mom wanted cold medicine and so we went inside this chinese herbal place ... and I saw this at the counter C:

I went to the converse store and Hollister C:

when we were on the train there were these people dancing and I was standing ;; so they had to pick the place where I was standing to dance and I was against the door because they were flipping and pole dancing in front of me , so I was scared I would get kicked  in the face xD and I saw there boxers in my face a couple of time :| and belly button, wasn't comfortable, but it was cool
a meme my waifu and i did C: 

It's freezing

And I have to go out ;; fffff~

Saturday, December 17, 2011


ISN'T HE CUTE? ;U; he look so non-asian but cute. 1 month C: <3


Ice Skating

It was hard :C I had 6 people help me and I couldn't do it. I gave up because it made my ankle feel terrible and their were wayy to much people. it was cold too ;O; and the food were so expensive but we got VIP admission lmao ;;

the rink was surrounded by people and buildings ;U; awesome

merry go round~ in the park

so much people ;; I didn't want to get up to get a picture

still in school


Friday, December 9, 2011


went to see a christmas carol play and I saw this poster xD thought it was funny. The play was cool.

After the play, we went to tour a park and met this guy who we call "the pigeon guy" one of the pigeons is actually his C: cool right?

After we met the pigeon guy lmaoo ;; we met this sand art guy. And he's actually really good : O some of his pat works were amazing and sold for thousands of dollars.

polyester stuffing on his head C: lul

stuffing the animals C: I love my penguin the most. chubby cheeks.

I HAD A PHILLY CHEESE STEAK FOR DINNER YUUP C: but the guy who cooked it mouthed "oh my god" :| rude and he yelled at me for not getting what he said cause he said it too fast.